Here are all the changes that Facebook has announced: Clear History With this new feature, users will now be able to see what information they are sharing when they use various apps and websites. Users can delete this information and they can also get the option of turning off Facebook’s ability to store it in future. Sharing to Stories It will now be easier for you to share Facebook and Instagram Stories. On just tapping on the share button on apps like Spotify, you’ll be able to share whatever you are doing directly into the camera. From there, users can edit to share it as Stories or as a picture on Feed. There’s no longer a need to connect other apps to Facebook or Instagram to do this. A feature for ‘Dating’ Facebook is taking on Tinder with this new feature. With this, people will be able to create a dating profile, which will be different from their regular profile, on Facebook. Facebook will then suggest potential matches based on dating preferences, things in common, and mutual friends. Facebook would also give users the option to discover others with Groups or Events. And in order to protect their privacy, Facebook will not be sharing what users are doing on their dating profiles with their friends. Crisis Response Announced last year, Crisis Response enables users to get information about recent crises and access Safety Check, Community Help and Fundraisers. And now, people who are affected by a crisis will be able to share timely updates of things like roadblocks, photos and videos of the damage, and more, so that others can get this information real-time. Blood Donations In September 2017, Facebook launched a new feature in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan which enabled users to register themselves as blood donors. With Blood Donations, Facebook will be informing blood donors about nearby blood donation camps, requests for donations and blood banks.

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